My first WordPress contribution
I have been involved in contributing to FOSS projects for a while now, mostly in the form of highlighting bugs and suggesting feature requests.
Things go one step further today. One of my issues was squashed today, and the entire world will be experiencing a better WordPress going forward. I guess I can call myself an official WordPress contributor now?
I submitted this issue on Github a while ago, and it was fixed today on this PR.
On WP-CLI 2.0.0
This issue caused the WP-CLI app to throw a false positive result when the theme slug is entered in non-lowercase for activation. Let’s say you use a command like wp theme activate Dara
You would be shown a Success: Switched to 'Dara' theme.
Eventually, the output of wp theme list
shows what’s seen below.
Output of theme list on WP-CLI 2.0.0 after activating “Dara” (vs “dara”)
Yes, in theory, this should not be the case.
When one uses the theme slug in capitalized format, one should be shown an error that the theme slug entered is wrong.
All theme slugs are to be entered in lowercase.
Enter WP-CLI 2.0.1
When you use wp theme activate Dara
now, you will be shown a Error: The 'Dara' theme could not be found.
This is an indication that theme slugs are to be entered in lowercase, and any other case format will be a false.
I was also featured on this release note and I am thrilled!